HUGGINS Celebrates 15 Years Of Support For Private Primary School Sports


Youth athletics in Grenada has once again received a boost as Grenada’s largest private corporation, Geo. F. Huggins & Company (Grenada) Limited. has pledged over $24,000 in support of the 2023 Private Primary Schools Athletic Championship.

In a handover ceremony held at the Huggins boardroom at its head office on Kirani James Boulevard, Chief Executive Officer, Anya Chow Chung, presented the cheque to Chairman of the Grenada Private Primary Schools’ Association, Kester Elcock.

In her remarks, Mrs. Chow Chung mentioned her company’s long association with the event and pledged her continued support. She remarked, “We have proudly sponsored this event for the past 15 years, including ten years under the banner of our Ribena brand and, more recently, as the Fruta Kool Kidz Private Primary School Sports. It has been a joy and a privilege to watch the event grow from year to year. As a mother of young athletes, I fully understand the need for fora like these, that not only give our kids the opportunity to nurture and showcase their athletic abilities, but also teach them important life lessons such as teambuilding and good sportsmanship. I am equally proud to have the honour to lead a 100% Grenadian owned company where we are able to retain our profits locally and reinvest into the people and communities that have supported us over the past 100 plus years, through our chosen focus pillars of sports, culture, and education.”

The Chairman of the Grenada Private Primary Schools’ Association, Kester Elcock, expressed profound gratitude to Huggins for its continued support over the years. He indicated that ten schools will compete this year in the hope of dethroning seven-time champions, St. Mary’s Junior School. Mr. Elcock said, “it is the first time going into the final event that there is a near tie between the top schools and so patrons can look forward to a keenly contested championship and we are looking forward to the possibility of more records being broken”.

Mr. Alvin Clouden, Executive Officer of the National Sports Council also addressed attendees and praised the organizers and sponsors. He pledged the Council’s full support to ensure the success of the championship.

It was the consensus of all that no effort should be spared in ensuring that our nation’s private primary schools are represented in “lane 8” of our National Primary Schools Championships, as soon as possible.

Huggins thanks Suntory and SM Jaleel, producers of Ribena and Fruta Kool Kidz respectively, for their years of sponsorship and wishes all competing schools a successful event.


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