Independence Calypso Competition Only Hours Away


Calypsonians down to participate in the final of the 2022 Independence Calypso Competition say they are set and ready to go.

The competition takes place virtually this evening beginning 8 oโ€™clock.

Over the past few days we have been bringing you the views of some of the calypsonians who have won the right to the final.

Defending the title is Sean Niles, known in the calypso World as โ€˜Sour Serpentโ€™,

Heโ€™s up against ten other calypsonians.

Sour Serpeant believes the competition will be entertaining and will provide excitement for the viewers.

Speaking about calypso, Sour Serpent wants to see more youngsters engaged in the art.

Sean Niles, โ€œSour Serpentโ€, defending the Independence Calypso title this evening.


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