Theme – The Journey to 50; Reflecting on the Past, Planning for the Future

My fellow Grenadians, friends of Grenada, on this the 49th anniversary of our country’s Independence, we have much to be proud of, as we journey onward to 50. The contributions and achievements of our brothers and sisters in areas such as sports, culture, academia, and diplomacy are well documented locally, regionally, and internationally. So too, are our economic development gains and our trademark resilience as a people. Our beloved country has recorded significant progress over the last four decades. Brothers and Sisters, our path has never been an easy one. Though the challenges have been many, we continue to soldier on tirelessly through it all, triumphant and proud.

We have witnessed unprecedented events unfolding the world over in our recent past, all of which have affected us one way or another. The enormity of the Covid-19 pandemic has shaken us to the very core. Loss of lives, severe economic and financial shocks, supply chain disruptions, skyrocketing increases in cost of living are just a few of the effects we continue to wrestle with as we navigate our way through a post-Covid world.

Here, at home, the poor and vulnerable population has been hit hardest. Many have lost their jobs. Many are unable to access support. And most recently, we have seen the social protection afforded to those most vulnerable in our Grenadian community drastically weakened, and in some cases removed. There is no doubt that this is yet another economically challenging time in our development. But now more than ever, we must do what is necessary, what we must, and be our brothers’ keeper for ours is a history of love for our people. As we forge ahead to 50, no one must be left behind.

Fellow Grenadians, there is much to be thankful for including the valuable partnerships and friendships of NGOs, regional and international friendly governments and development agencies who have supported and continue to support our development.

As we look to the future, we must continuously set our sights on overcoming the adversities that threaten to derail our development agenda; safeguarding the livelihoods of our people as they seek to empower themselves and protecting our collective future through conscientious decision-making. Therefore, I urge one and all, to embrace unity as the beacon that will successfully guide this ship, our beloved nation, towards sustainable development. My vision for our country is to see a successful nation where all can dwell in love and, live in peace and harmony with each other. Grenada is our homeland, therefore let us aspire to build and advance as one people.

As Opposition Leader, I once again pledge my support to the further advancement of our beautiful nation. I stand ready to lend my experience to the government if called upon.

On this note my friends, let me again say happy independence to all. I pray that God continue to richly bless our people, uniting us in our patriotism to this beautiful land of ours, Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique.

I thank you

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