Labour Commissioner Resolves Dispute Between GTAWU And CIBC FCIB Over Retroactive Overtime Payments


Labour Commissioner, Mr. Reginald Lord, has resolved an ongoing dispute between the Grenada Technical and Allied Workers’ Union and CIBC First Caribbean International Bank.

The outstanding dispute centered around the refusal of the Bank to pay the correct rate of time-and-a-half for scheduled overtime work done by workers on Fridays dating back to the year 2000. The Bank had insisted that they were only required to pay the workers an extra half an hour rather than the hour and a half as contained in the Grenada Employment Act and the existing Collective Labour Agreement between the Bank and Union.

The Bank had already accepted former Labour Minister, Peter David’s recommendation that the workers must be paid for the period dating back to the year 2000 from which the breach first occurred.

Labour Commissioner, Reginald Lord met with the parties on Monday August 29, 2022, and made his recommendations which the Bank accepted. The Bank has requested time to revisit the calculations and then make the corrected payments.

The Bank’s team were led by Mrs. Ann-Marie Lorde – Senior Manager Industrial Relations and included Ms. Kelly Walkes – Head Human Resources, Barbados Op Co, Mrs. Karen Forde – Director HR Business Partnering & Country Strategic Initiatives and Mr. Andre Cadogan – Country Head.

The Union team was led by Comrade Trevor Xavier, Chief Grievance Officer, and included Sis. Shirlene Herbert – 1st Vice President/Grievance Officer, Shops Stewards, Sis. Shirlyn Mitchell, Sis. Susan Antoine and Bro. Kemani Neckles.


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