Men Charged For Stealing Sea Moss


Two men have been arrested and charged in connection with the theft of a quantity of sea moss from a farm in St. David.

James Calder, 49 years, and Alrick Augustine, 53 years, both Fishermen of La Tante, St. David will appear at the St. David Magistrate’s Court on Friday 30th October 2020. They have been charged with two (2) counts each of stealing.

Calder and Augustine are currently on three thousand dollars ($3000.00) bail on each count with one (1) surety.

Two men have been arrested and charged in connection with the theft of a quantity of sea moss from a farm in St. David.

James Calder, 49 years, and Alrick Augustine, 53 years, both Fishermen of La Tante, St. David will appear at the St. David Magistrate’s Court on Friday 30th October 2020. They have been charged with two (2) counts each of stealing.

Calder and Augustine are currently on three thousand dollars ($3000.00) bail on each count with one (1) surety.



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