Minister Alexandra Otway-Noel has resigned from her Government position


General Press Release.

Dated: 13:01:2017

Issued by: Alexandra Otway-Noel.

Status: For immediate circulation.

Minister Alexandra Otway-Noel has resigned from her Government position to pursue a number of exciting opportunities in the private sector. She has agreed to ensure a smooth transition to her as yet unnamed successor.

Ms. Otway-Noel said โ€œIt has been a privilege and an honour to serve the Prime Minister, the Government and the nation of Grenadaโ€.

Ms. Otway-Noel, in her role as Minister of Tourism oversaw a number of high profile initiatives including the re-positioning and re-branding of the Tourism Sector which led to the birth of the โ€˜Pure Grenada, Spice of the Caribbeanโ€™ market proposition.

Under her enthusiastic support and mentorship, this led to the re-branding of the Dive sector, the Grenada Investment Development Corporation and of course the hugely popular Pure Grenada Music Festival.

Minister Otway was successful in negotiating new airlines to Grenada and helped to boost the cruise sector.

As Minister for Implementation she embraced the Private Sector working to ensure the smooth transition of projects.

In her latest roll as the Minister responsible for the promotion of the Citizenship by Investment program she helped position Grenada as one of the most respected programs in the CBI world resulting in a major boost in revenue for the nation.

Ms. Otway-Noel would like to take this opportunity to personally thank the Prime Minister for his โ€œkindness, support and guidanceโ€ during her time in office.


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