The Ministry of Health, Wellness, and Religious Affairs continues to closely monitor the unfolding situation in China as it relates to the recent surge in COVID 19 cases.

Acting Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Shawn Charles, told the Government Information  Service (GIS) that Grenada is making local preparations while keeping abreast of  assessments that are being carried out at the international level.

On Thursday, January 5, 2023, Dr. Charles participated in a high-level virtual meeting  with officials from the World Health Organization to discuss the recent surge and other  COVID-19 related matters.

The Chief Medical Officer expressed deep concern however, about fake reports that have  been shared via social media, purporting that a new strain of the Coronavirus (COVID-19  variant), Omicron XBB, which is five times more contagious than the Delta variant, is  present in Grenada.

Dr. Charles strongly warned against sharing false information that can harm the  perception of Grenada’s current status and create unnecessary fear amongst the  population. “This is highly irresponsible behaviour and the public is asked to report and  condemn all attempts to spread “fake news,” which can lead to unnecessary panic at this  time,” Dr. Charles advised.

The Ministry of Health recommends and reminds the public to only trust news from  credible sources such as the Ministry of Health, Wellness, and Religious Affairs via the  Government Information Service (GIS), the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA), and the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO).

The Ministry further reminds citizens that some of the best and scientifically proven ways  to prevent the spread of viral illnesses such as COVID-19 are by practicing good hygiene,  including wearing a face mask, frequent hand washing and sanitisation, and avoiding  crowded, close contact settings, where possible. To prevent severe disease, individuals  at risk are advised to get vaccinated and boosted.

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