The Ministry of Health is concerned about the dissemination of an audio message as well as misleading postings on social media, which are resulting in unease and unnecessary panic among some sections of the population.
The Ministry notes that the audio message which is being forwarded repeatedly on messaging service WhatsApp, and postings on other platforms, claim and/or imply that it has authorised the immediate closure of learning institutions on the Western side of the island, as a result of a suspected or possible Coronavirus (COVID19) outbreak.
In light of this, the Ministry wishes to clear the air and categorically states that those claims are ENTIRELY FALSE.ย
The Ministry of Health reassures the public and all concerned that atย NO TIMEย during the past 24-48 hours did it order, recommend or advise the Ministry of Education, to close any school or learning institution, whether public or private.
The public is therefore reminded of the importance of relying on reports from credible and trusted sources including the Ministry of Health and the Government of Grenada (COVID 19) websites;,, the Government Information Service,ย (PAHO) and (CARPHA).
The public is also reminded that it is extremely necessary to adhere to the establishedย (COVID-19) health and safety protocols and guidelines such as the proper wearing of face masks and face coverings, maintaining physical distancing and frequent handย washing with soap and water, or use of an alcohol based hand sanitizer for cleaning hands, and cleaning of frequently touched objects and surfaces.
The Ministry of Health wishes to thank those who have called to express concerns about such irresponsible behaviour and call on all civic minded persons to condemn such actions.