Officials at the Ministry of Health, in the last week and a half, have conducted their promised routine review of Pure Safe accommodation facilities, to ensure that they are fully compliant with, and capable of adhering to the strict protocols approved for quarantine and accommodation.

During the initial stages of the review, one facility was found to be inadequate in fully executing the mandates of the protocols, and was removed from the approved list of Pure Safe Travel accommodations, pending major adjustments. That hotel has since rectified its processes, and after a subsequent thorough review, was readmitted into the programme.

Three other facilities were reprimanded for basic gaps or oversights in their operations, and have since taken the necessary corrective steps, as outlined by health officials.

The review process is ongoing, as the Ministry endeavours to protect the borders and shores of Grenada from the deadly COVID-19.

Accommodation facilities are expected to fulfill their mandate of creating a secure and safe environment for both travellers and locals, if they are offering services to both categories of people.

There must be no overlap in the services offered to people in quarantine and to regular hotel guests or those on staycation. Facilities must have designated areas for each group, with no intermingling, as long as they are registered and approved to do so.

All Pure Safe Travel entities are mandated to operate within the limits of the agreed upon guidelines designed for the safety and protection of all.

The Ministry of Health thanks the Grenada Tourism Authority, through the Ministry of Tourism, for its enduring partnership in this dynamic period, as Grenada navigates its way through balancing a cautious revival of the tourism industry, and the prioritized health and safety of its citizens and visitors.

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