Ministry Of Health Warns Against Efforts To Circumvent Entry Requirements To Grenada


The Ministry of Health informs travellers to Grenada that a valid hotel booking or approved home stay  for the mandatory quarantine period of 7 days is required by law for entry into Grenada.

In recent weeks, the Ministry of Health has been made aware of a disturbing trend in  which people are trying to enter fake numbers or codes for accommodation reservations  into the online application for their entry travel certificate.

The Ministry of Health wishes to make it clear that knowingly trying to circumvent the entry  requirements, including entering false accommodation reservations upon application for  entry, is illegal under the laws of Grenada, as this presents a viable risk to public health  and safety during this pandemic period.

Anyone who is found guilty of this practice will fined and/or charged.

Grenada currently has only two active cases of COVID 19 in quarantine, and all positive  cases, to date, have been imported or import-related. Grenada has, so far, avoided  community spread of COVID-19 by maintaining and enforcing strict entry protocols and  by the public’s general compliance with mandates of mask wearing and social and  physical distancing.

The Ministry of Health thanks all stakeholders, including the Grenada Tourism Authority,  the Grenada Hotel and Tourism Association, and citizens and visitors alike, for their  collective efforts in helping to keep Grenada safe.


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