MOH Quarantines Another Grenadian National


The Ministry of Health on

Monday, February 3, 2020, quarantined a second Grenadian national who returned to the island from mainland China.

The individual was met by health officials at the airport, who conducted the mandatory interview, before being placed into the isolation area in preparation for transfer to the quarantine facility in accordance with the Ministryโ€™s response protocols.

Health Minister the Hon. Nickolas Steele was again present at the airport to see first-hand the entire procedure.

During the process, airport and health officials ensured that the first response team observed all of the safety protocols to safeguard their personal well-being.

The Ministry of Health reassures all concerned that there is absolutely no need for alarm. The decision to quarantine nationals with a recent travel to mainland China falls in line with the Ministryโ€™s response protocol, as it continues to take decisive action to prevent the global threat from reaching Grenadaโ€™s borders.

All travellers are urged to be guided by the Ministryโ€™s protocol.


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