Several communities are scheduled to benefit from  enhanced greenspaces under the Ministry of Mobilisation, Implementation and Transformation’s  Visible Transformation Project. The greenspaces are intended to create opportunities for increased  social recreation whilst serving to safeguard health and develop our physical environment.

Work has already commenced on the repair of the walk-over bridges at the Lagoon Road, with construction of an entertainment gazebo and public washroom facility to follow. The Grenville  Bus Terminus will also benefit from a recreational greenspace towards the rear of the vending  booths.

Other areas earmarked for environmental and social enhancement include:

– Palmiste, St. John

– Mt Kumar Meadows, St. George

– Levera Wetlands, St. Patrick

– Upper Diamond St. and Lower Queen St., St. Mark

– Hillsborough Botanical Gardens in Carriacou.

Over the next few months, Grenadians can expect to see activities towards upgraded pedestrian  infrastructure as well as enhanced visual appeal of public spaces. These will range from strategic  planting of flora; repair of signboards, benches, and the addition of signage to improve safety and  walking experience among other upgrades. Additionally, waste collection bins will be erected in  strategic locations to encourage proper waste disposal.

These activities will be executed by the Ministry of Mobilisation, Implementation and  Transformation in collaboration with the Ministry of Infrastructure, Grenada Solid Waste  Management Authority, the Ministry of Health, and the Royal Grenada Police Force.

The Ministry of Mobilisation, Implementation and Transformation encourages the public to  continue supporting its efforts towards the protection and sustained development of our  environment.

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