MWAG Sets Up Interim Executive


The Media Workers Association Of Grenada (MWAG) has set up an Interim Executive to take charge of the grouping for the next ninety days.

This was the crux of an election agenda item, stemming out of the continuation last week-end of MWAG’s Annual General Meeting.

The Interim body is headed by Linda Straker.

Blossom Alexis Welch is the First Vice President, Jeanelle St. Bernard (Second Vice President), Tonia Lawrence (Secretary), Neisha Peters (Treasurer) and Calistra Farrier (Assistant Secretary/Treasurer).

The Election of members to serve on MWAG’s Executive has since been a sticking point in the affairs of the Grenada’s media-governance body.

When the meeting convened by virtual means last Saturday, it was found there’s wasn’t enough constitutionally- recognized ordinary members present to take up key positions that form the executive.

An interim grouping was then mandated to run the affairs of the organization, upon which, it will set up mechanisms for the staging of elections in ninety days.

It’s given the task of mobilizing and expanding the grouping’s membership, in accordance with the now revised constitution.


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