National Address By Prime Minister Dr. The Rt. Hon. Keith Mitchell


Fellow Grenadians, the past few weeks posed a critical challenge for our health careย  system but thankfully, we are emerging from what will likely be recorded as one ofย  the darkest periods of our countryโ€™s history.

It has also been a very challenging time for leadership and decision-making, but Iย  have always been confident that we will get through this. The resilience of theย  Grenadian people has been demonstrated in the past, and in this period, it is noย  different โ€“ there is just something about our people and the indomitable will toย  survive and to thrive.

The crisis is far from over, but there is certainly a rainbow peeking through theย  stormy cloud of sickness, death, unemployment, business closures and every otherย  impact this pandemic has wrought on our country. The road to recovery will be longย  and steep, maybe with some undulating periods where we may seem to regress, butย  ultimately, sisters and brothers, we will get through this.

One of the most painful elements of this crisis is the number of deaths occurring inย  a short space of time. Death is an inevitable part of life, but the sheer volume atย  which we have been experiencing death in the last few weeks, was unprecedented.ย  It was extremely painful to see and to hear of so many families facing the suddenย  loss of loved ones.

It was particularly disconcerting to see the number of elderly citizens we lost, theย  true gems of our country, those whose sacrifices laid the foundation on which weย  stand today โ€“ their lives obliterated, in a flash, taking with them elements of ourย  culture, our heritage as a people. It is devastating and I am heartbroken by the suddenย  loss of 130 of our senior citizens. I pray that the families of all the deceased areย  comforted by the fact that their loved ones are resting in peace.

In the same breath, I must acknowledge that despite the loss of life, we ought to beย  grateful because so many others have recovered and remain with us today. To date,ย  Grenada has recorded more than 4,300 recoveries from COVID-19. Some requiredย  medical intervention and their recovery was hard-fought. Unfortunately, manyย  people waited too late to seek help and, in some cases, had it not been for theย  expertise and the dedicated care of our medical team and the invaluable supportย  system within the health care sector, our numbers may have been higher.

Therefore, sisters and brothers, we owe a tremendous debt of gratitude to our teamย  of health professionals โ€“ doctors, nurses, community health team, orderlies, drivers,ย  cooks, cleaning staff, maintenance personnel and oxygen plant staff โ€“ just aboutย  everyone who contributed to the care of COVID-19 patients, whether directly orย  indirectly. We recognise that the health care system is a sum total of all its parts,ย  with each element contributing to the overall product and we therefore thank all of you for the critical role you play in serving the people of Grenada, Carriacou andย  Petite Martinique.

Sisters and brothers, the rate of infection continues to decline and the total numberย  of active cases similarly continues the downward trend, but this came at aย  tremendous cost to others who were put on the breadline as non-essential businessesย  were forced to close their doors. It is an ongoing challenge for Government to createย  that delicate balance between safeguarding lives and protecting livelihoods, such isย  the complex nature of this pandemic.

Recognising the tremendous financial impact of the pandemic, Government hasย  initiated a second stimulus package that will benefit a wide cross-section of theย  population, particularly those who are most vulnerable. Already, the COVID-19ย  Economic Support Stimulus Secretariat, at the Ministry of Finance, has processedย  more than 1,500 applications with more than 500 approvals to date. Beneficiariesย  approved for income support have already started receiving payments on October 1.ย  Those approved under SEED, will receive their first payments on October 15. Inย  addition, 55 small business loans worth about $600,000 and qualifying under theย  stimulus package, have already been approved, to help business owners recover fromย  the impact of the pandemic and to stimulate operational growth and development.

Given the positive trend we are now seeing and the optimism of the health experts,ย  that this will continue, the Cabinet has agreed on a number of measures that will inย  essence, provide an easement of the regulations that have been in place for the lastย  few weeks.

โˆ™ย Effective, October 5 and continuing until October 19, the nightly curfew willย  continue, but will be adjusted from 7:00 p.m. to 4:00 a.m.

The no-movement weekends will be discontinued. This measure has certainlyย  helped to curb the rate of infection, but health experts have continuouslyย  indicated that we must learn to live with COVID-19, therefore it is imperativeย  that we seek to resume a degree of normalcy while continuing to safeguardย  our people.

โˆ™ย Retail stores across the country will be allowed to resume normal operationsย  but we encourage store managers to maintain 50% capacity in store at all timesย  and ensure that workers and patrons alike, are following the recommendedย  protocols โ€“ proper wearing of masks, appropriate physical distancing,ย  avoiding large gatherings and regular hand sanitisation.

โˆ™Beaches will be accessible for an extended period, between 4:00 a.m. and 4:00ย  p.m. daily.

โˆ™In the food service sector, dine-in services will resume for fully-vaccinatedย  persons only.

โˆ™ย Gyms and fitness centres are also permitted to resume operation. Likewise,ย  day care centres and businesses in the beauty sector including hairdresserย  salons and barber shops. However, there is one caveat which is based onย  consultation with representatives in the private sector to help facilitateย  continuity of operations in the event of future spikes that could otherwise forceย  another shut down of operations.

โˆ™ย Having consulted with stakeholders in the following industries and acting onย their general recommendation,ย employees in the food service,ย  accommodation, fitness, beauty, child and elderly care sectors, must be fully vaccinated, or in cases where they have received only one dose, the secondย  dose must be administered within a specific period after the resumption ofย  operations.

The re-opening of schools is widely anticipated by students, parents andย  educators and while I am keen to see our children back in the classroom, ourย  primary concern must be their health and safety. The vaccination rate amongย  teachers and other personnel in the education sector is abysmal. The uptake of

the Pfizer which is administered to children 12 and above, is also low at thisย  point. Against this backdrop, it is difficult for Government to announce theย  re-opening of schools.

Sisters and brothers, during the past few weeks, our vaccination numbers haveย  continued to improve, with latest figures showing that about 25,000 people are fullyย  vaccinated. In addition, more than 10,000 people are partially vaccinated, meaningย  they have received the first dose of the two-dose regimen. This is a welcomeย  improvement in the number of persons opting for vaccination but we are still a longย  way from where we need to be in terms of achieving herd immunity.

I must recognise the role of volunteers in helping us to achieve the significantย  increase in vaccinations. Over the past four weekends, teams of doctors, nurses,ย  ordinary citizens as well as faculty and students from St. Georgeโ€™s University volunteered their time to provide testing and vaccination clinics across the country.ย  This outreach effort, undertaken in collaboration with public health officials, madeย  testing and vaccination more accessible to many people and contributed to aboutย  4,000 more people being vaccinated and the Ministry of Health being able to acquireย  much more data on the extent of the spread of the virus across communities.

On many occasions during those weekends, I acknowledged the enormous sacrificeย  being made by the volunteers and it is important that I do so again as part of thisย  national address. Volunteers, thank you for your selfless service and partnership withย  the Government of Grenada.

Continuing on the subject of gratitude and patriotisim, I must acknowledge theย  valuable contribution of our diaspora community โ€“ the doctors who have travelledย  to Grenada to provide physical support to their colleagues on the frontline; the manyย  organisations and individuals, who readily donated supplies to bolster our inventoryย  and ensure that our health team is properly outfitted to execute the challenging tasksย  they face. Several other initiatives are likely in the coming weeks, including theย  provision of telemedicine service by our diaspora doctors.

We are also grateful for the generosity of medical professionals from Cuba, Mexicoย  and Nicaragua who are currently supporting our own health care professionals. Iย  must acknowledge the sizeable donation expected shortly from Direct Assist, aย  charitable organization based in the United States.

I have mentioned on many occasions, that getting through this crisis requires aย  collaborative effort and I am pleased to see that many have seen the value in thisย  approach, volunteering where possible and initiating and engaging in the necessaryย  dialogue, making recommendations for improving this collective fight againstย  COVID-19. I must make special reference here to Brother Randal Robinson of theย  National Democratic Congress who has been volunteering his service at vaccinationย  and testing clinics. I call on all to follow his example.

Sisters and brothers, vaccine inequity continues to be a significant challenge aroundย  the world, but we are thankful to our international partners who have ensured thatย  Grenada and our OECS and CARICOM neighbours receive this critical resource toย  help fight the spread of the virus. Government is currently engaged in discussions toย  source additional supplies of AstraZeneca and Pfizer. We anticipate a secondย  shipment of Pfizer in the coming weeks.

The operations of Government have not been immune to the impact of the pandemic.ย  Several public officers have themselves contracted the disease and while we haveย  lost a few, the vast majority has recovered. We have implemented the necessaryย  measures to adapt to the new environment, including the rotation of staff whereย  necessary to ensure adherence to physical distancing, remote work where possible and greater emphasis on digital transformation and online services. We also

encourage the continued enforcement of protocols across Government to ensure thatย  public officers and the people they serve are kept safe.

Sisters and brothers, I close by saying, these unprecedented times require equallyย  extraordinary fortitude. For individuals and organisations alike, it is not a period forย  the faint of heart, but we have persevered thus far and I must reiterate the need forย  us to continue working collaboratively, in the interest of our people and our country.ย  It is imperative that we join hands regardless of political, religious or otherย  affiliation. That said, we must guard against complacency being allowed toย  undermine the gains made. The reduction in active cases should motivate us toย  become even more cognizant of the protocols, ensuring that we safeguard ourselvesย  and our loved ones, as we seek a return to some sense of normalcy.

I thank you.


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