The NDC values the appointment of Roderick St. Clair, as the Farmers’ Representative in the Senate, saying it comes at a time when the farming community is facing many challenges on account of the Covid-19 pandemic.

St. Clair took the oath last Friday to serve in the Upper Parliamentary Chamber.

NDC Political Leader, Franka Alexis-Bernadine, believes St. Clair’s presence in the Senate will bring some hope and light to the agricultural sector, which will ultimately create the kind of impact that will boost the economy.

She views the farmers and fisher folk looking for guidance, and the necessary support that will encourage and give them the confidence to invest in the sector, which according to Alexis-Bernadine is filled with possibilities.

Following the acceptance of his instruments of appointment last Friday from Governor General Dame Cecile La Grenade, St. Clair valued the opportunity to serve farmers as a huge responsibility, and he’s willing to give it his best shot.

Including more groups in the agricultural sector as well as getting farmers to see the importance of tourism, health and wellness is at the top of St. Clair’s agenda.


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