New Cabinet


Hon. Joseph Andall – Minister for Foreign Affairs, Trade & Export Development.

Hon. Denis Cornwall – Minister for Infrastructure & Physical Development, Public Utilities, Civil Aviation & Transportation.

Hon. Tevin Ishmael Andrews – Minister for Carriacou & Petite Martinique Affairs & Local Government.

Prime Minister Hon. Dickon Mitchell – Minister for Finance, National Security, Home Affairs, Public Administration, Information & Disaster Management.

Hon. Ron Redhead – Minister of State with Responsibility for Youth & Sports within the Ministry of Education, Youth & Sports.

Hon. Kerryne Z James – Minister for Climate Resilience, the Environment & Renewable Energy.

Hon. Philip Telesford – Minister for Social & Community Development, Housing & Gender Affairs.

Hon. Andy Aj Williams Williams – Minister for Mobilization, Implementation & Transformation.

Hon. Lennox Andrews – Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Planning & ICT.

Senator the Hon. David Andrew – Minister for Education, Youth & Sports.

Senator the Hon. Adrian Thomas – Minister of State with Responsibility for Agriculture, Fisheries & Co-operatives.

Senator the Hon. Johnathan JL Crette LaCrette – Minister for Health, Wellness & Religious Affairs.

Senator the Hon. Gloria Thomas – Minister of State with Responsibility for Social Development & Gender Affairs within the Ministry of Social & Community Development, Housing & Gender Affairs.

Senator the Hon. Claudette Joseph – Attorney General & Minister for Legal Affairs, Labour & Consumer Affairs.

Quinc Britton – Senator in the Parliament of Grenada.


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