The New National Party (NNP) writes that it’s extremely alarmed and dismayed by recent attacks, discrediting the performance of the Cuban doctors and other health care professionals here.

The health practitioners, it says, continue to serve the people of Grenada especially the poor who do not have the financial resources to travel abroad for medical attention.


The NNP release comes on account of utterings in public by some individuals in several circles in their complaint about the health system.

In responding, NNP noted that from 1979 to this day, the government and people of Cuba have made tremendous sacrifices and the greatest contribution towards Grenada’s national health care.

And, while the system is not perfect and continues to be a work in progress, the efforts of Cuba in the process must be appreciated and applauded wholeheartedly.

It says what is even more alarming and should raise grave concerns among all Grenadians is the deafening silence of the present government on the matter.

The NNP release noted that the World Health Organization of which Grenada is a member has constantly recognized Cuba as having the best health care system in the Western Hemisphere.

And when Cuba sends its professionals abroad, it sends the very best.

Being human, not everyone will carry out their mandate, but “we must never be ungrateful as a people and throw out the baby with the bath water”, the NNP release goes on to state.

It says hundreds of Grenadians can attest to the medical care that they have received from Cuban doctors over the years, care that in most instances have saved their lives.

And on this score, NNP is condemning the attacks on the Cuban doctors as “disparaging, vile and evil”, only aimed at discrediting  the Grenadian health care system and bring into disrepute a country like Cuba which over the years has done so much for Grenada, having so little themselves.

Meantime, former government Minister, Dr. Clarice Modeste, who at one time held the portfolio in charge of Health, adds her voice to the issue, indicating that Grenadians have benefited tremendously from Cuban assistance.

In the early years of Cuba’s assistance to Grenada Dr. Modeste received specialist training Ophthalmology.

Dr. Modeste says it’s fitting that Grenada pays tribute to Cuba for having assisted the country unselfishly.

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