Newly elected Prime Minister Hon. Dickon Mitchell Meets with Staff of Ministry of Finance.


Prime Minister Hon Dickon Mitchell was well received by staff at the Ministry of Finance, a major portfolio under the Prime Ministerโ€™s leadership, when he continued his ministerial visits on Thursday.

During a brief discussion with staff, PM Mitchell highlighted areas of importance that he plans to address in short order.

These include greater use of technology in government business with the goal of going paperless, and the regularization of the staff in the next twelve to eighteen months.

Hon. Mitchell said the government does not possess a โ€œmagic wandโ€ to fix all issues, and he highlighted the need for all workers to give one hundred percent in the performance of their duties, as increased productivity will ensure successful output and alignment with the governmentโ€™s priorities.

Leaning on the people first team-spirit approach, the Prime Minister encouraged Heads of Divisions to place greater attention on workersโ€™ health and safety whilst consistently improving their physical working conditions.


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