
Grenada Electricity Services Ltd. is advising customers about the temporary interruption in service delivery at its Customer Care Centres at…

GrenadaĀ PublicĀ WorkersāĀ UnionĀ (GPWU)Ā isĀ brimmingĀ withĀ prideĀ andĀ eagernessĀ toĀ wishĀ ourĀ amazingĀ cohortĀ ofĀ nurses,Ā HAPPYĀ INTERNATIONAL NURSES DAY! EvenĀ inĀ theĀ midstĀ ofĀ severeĀ professionalĀ challengesĀ suchĀ asĀ unsecuredĀ tenure,Ā understaffing,Ā lackĀ ofĀ toolsĀ andĀ basicĀ provisions,Ā ourĀ nursesĀ continueĀ toĀ demonstrateĀ toĀ thisĀ entireĀ nation,Ā theirĀ dedicationĀ to theirĀ vocation.Ā TheĀ COVIDĀ pandemic,Ā whileĀ widelyĀ consideredĀ aĀ burdensomeĀ societalĀ ill,Ā hasĀ becomeĀ aĀ prismĀ byĀ whichĀ theĀ tremendousĀ valueĀ ofĀ theĀ nursingĀ fraternityĀ toĀ ourĀ peopleĀ canĀ beĀ ascertained. GrenadaāsĀ continuedĀ successĀ inĀ fightingĀ theĀ pandemic,Ā isĀ largelyĀ dueĀ toĀ theĀ unstintingĀ effortsĀ of ourĀ amazingĀ nursing fraternity. AsĀ weĀ seizeĀ theĀ opportunityĀ toĀ celebrateĀ thisĀ nobleĀ professionĀ andĀ theĀ outstandingĀ contributionĀ ofĀ nursesĀ toĀ ourĀ nation,Ā theĀ GrenadaĀ PublicĀ WorkersāĀ UnionĀ wouldĀ beĀ derelictĀ inĀ itsĀ duty,Ā ifĀ weĀ failĀ toĀ underscoreĀ theĀ woefulĀ mistreatmentĀ andĀ rampantĀ disregardĀ shownĀ toĀ ourĀ nurses,Ā byĀ successiveĀ governmentsĀ andĀ inĀ particular,Ā theĀ governmentĀ ofĀ theĀ day. TheĀ GPWUĀ anticipatesĀ thatĀ onĀ thisĀ auspiciousĀ occasion,Ā theĀ GovernmentĀ willĀ deliverĀ platitudesĀ andĀ nicetiesĀ toĀ ourĀ nursesĀ inĀ aĀ bidĀ to pacifyĀ them,Ā particularlyĀ inĀ thisĀ periodĀ butĀ weĀ sayĀ however,Ā FLOWERYĀ WORDSĀ AREĀ NOTĀ ENOUGH! TheĀ GPWUĀ callsĀ onĀ theĀ AdministrationĀ toĀ deliverĀ actions!Ā ToĀ immediatelyĀ regularizeĀ ourĀ nursesĀ forĀ jobĀ securityĀ andĀ socialĀ security.Ā ToĀ provideĀ greaterĀ FringeĀ BenefitsĀ andĀ implementĀ aĀ nationalĀ planĀ toĀ retainĀ andĀ empowerĀ ourĀ nurses,Ā therebyĀ minimizingĀ brainĀ drainĀ forĀ theĀ goodĀ ofĀ ourĀ belovedĀ country. TheĀ leadershipĀ ofĀ theĀ GPWUĀ commitsĀ toĀ advocatingĀ forĀ improvedĀ workingĀ conditionsĀ forĀ ourĀ nursesĀ andĀ praysĀ forĀ GodāsĀ continuedĀ guidanceĀ andĀ blessingsĀ onĀ them,Ā asĀ togetherĀ weĀ traverse aĀ periodĀ ofĀ globalĀ uncertainty,Ā withĀ hopeĀ andĀ optimismĀ forĀ theĀ future. LONGĀ LIVEĀ OURĀ WONDERFULĀ NURSINGĀ FRATERNITY!

The Mirabeau Abattoir in St. Andrew will soon undertake an initiative seeking to further improve efforts to strengthen food security…

The Ministry Of Health has sent out notice that health care services at the Victoria Medical Station have now been…

Teachers At TAMCC continued their daily hourly protest around the institution today, as they continue to clamour for salary increases…

The Ministry Of Health is to ensure that Food handlers are properly certified and training in this regard is to…

Veteran Broadcaster And Radio Station Proprietor, Paul Roberts, wants to see a more broad-based media organization that also takes into…

Grenada is among several Caribbean Islands participating in this yearās āExercise Tradewinds 2022ā. This yearās event which commenced May 7…