
The Government of Grenada is moving aggressively to improve physical planning operations in the country. Prime Minister and Minister for…

The Grenada Community Development Agency (GRENCODA) together with the Gouyave Fishermen Cooperative Society Ltd has launched a project seeking to…

A number of hotels will soon be reopened here. That’s according to Health Minister Nicolas Steele. He says that…

Whereas in the opinion of the Minister there is the imminent threat of the community spread of Covid-19 as a result of the…

The Royal Grenada Police Force will be conducting live ammunition training at the Pearls Airstrip, Camp Raymond (Pearls), St. Andrew…

Prime Minister, Dr. the Right Honourable Keith Mitchell, has been speaking further about the newly announced changes to the make-up of…

The Royal Grenada Police Force and the Ministry of Infrastructure Development, Public Utilities, Energy, Transport and Implementation invite all commercial…