OECS Agriculture Minister Thinking About The Sector When The Pandemic Is Over


OECS Agriculture Ministers are already said to be focusing on the readiness of the sector when the COVID-19 pandemic is over.

They were at a meeting last week discussing this and other issues pertinent to food security.

It was a special meeting Chaired by the Minister of Agriculture, Lands, Fisheries and Barbuda Affairs for Antigua/Barbuda, Samantha Marshall.


In the main, the Ministers discussed the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation’s (FAO) COVID-19 Investment Initiative and strategic ways in which information will strengthen the OECS’ Food and Agriculture Sector Recovery and Transformation plan.

They all agree that the health consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic continue to threaten the adequate functioning of food supply chains to the region, as many countries move to secure their domestic supplies by imposing export restrictions.

The FAO COVID-19 Investment Initiative seeks to mitigate the effects of COVID-19 on the region’s food and agricultural sector by directing the relevant technical assistance to identify strategic food and agriculture enterprises.

In partnership with the OECS Commission and Ministries of Agriculture within the OECS, several consultations were held in each OECS Member State to prepare national investment profiles that would facilitate the region’s food and agriculture sector recovery and transformation process.

In her opening remarks, Director of Economic Affairs and Regional Integration at the OECS Commission, Jacqueline Emmanuel-Flood, noted that the initiative is intended to contribute to the OECS’ ongoing activity to update the Revised Regional Plan of Action for Agriculture until 2022.

Research is said to have provided new input and new life to efforts moving forward.

It’s said that the proposed approach aims to target resources from existing sources, as well as new funding opportunities that have arisen in response to the COVID-19 crisis, and will provide the basis for the food and agriculture sector to live up to its true potential.

Dr. Deep Ford, Strategic Analyst from the FAO, presented the OECS Agriculture Ministers with an in-depth review of the COVID-19 Investment Initiative.

Among key matters discussed included Impacts and Lessons of COVID-19; OECS Challenges and Responses; Elements of the FAO Initiative for OECS; OECS Regional Investment Priorities, as well as OECS National Investment Priorities, Investment Financing Strategy and Public Policy Considerations.




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