with the Russia/Ukraine conflict occupying news cycles, OECS member states have come out issuing a strong condemnation on the Russian attack on its neighboring territory.

The OECS, following in the footsteps of CARICOM, says it staunchly upholds and defends the bedrock principles of international law, enshrined in the United Nations Charter.

Paramount among these principles are sovereignty, territorial integrity, non-interference in the internal affairs of States, non-intervention, and the peaceful settlement of all disputes, utilizing the established multilateral and diplomatic mechanisms relative to international cooperation.


As a collection of small island states with no military presence, and as the theatre for past interventionist and military actions, the members of the OECS noted being acutely aware that their existence as independent, sovereign States is heavily dependent on unanimous global adherence to the immutable principles, enshrined in the UN Charter.

At a time when the world most needs peace and international cooperation to face the twin hydras of climate change and an unending pandemic, the OECS is of the view that war in any region obstructs the imperative of global cooperation.

It’s forseeing that the impact of the military conflict will extend well beyond the borders of Ukraine and the Russian Federation.

The centrality of both countries to global supply chains, energy production and the supply of commodities like wheat, as contained in the sub-regional statement on the crisis, means that the entire developing world, including the OECS, will suffer economically, and experience greater energy and food insecurity for the duration of the conflict.

The legitimate security considerations of the Russian Federation, as articulated its President, the statement says do not justify the unilateral military operation upon which it has embarked.

The sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine must be respected and the people of Ukraine must be free to determine the future of their country, without any form of foreign interference.

The OECS, therefore, calls for the immediate cessation of all hostile and provocative actions against Ukraine, and the withdrawal of all military and proxy forces from Ukraine’s existing, defined borders.

It calls further on all parties involved to urgently revert to dialogue and diplomacy as the only acceptable channels for arriving at a common understanding that will lead to the maintenance of peace.

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