Petroleum Products Price Notice

The General public is hereby informed that effective, Tuesday, July 18th, 2023, the retail prices of  petroleum products (Gasoline, Diesel, Kerosene and Liquefied Petroleum Gas, (LPG), commonly  known as, Cooking Gas) in the State of Grenada will be as follows:


Products Old Price New Price Price Change 

Gasoline $15.61/IG $15.24 $0.37 decrease

Diesel $14.44/IG $14.09 $0.35 decrease

Kerosene $10.25/IG $10.91 $0.66 increase


L.P.G (Cooking Gas) Old Price New Price Price Change 

20 lbs. Cylinder $40.00 $40.00 No Change

100 lbs. Cylinder $236.15 $234.90 $1.25 decrease

Bulk $2.45/lb. $2.45 No Change


L.P.G (Cooking Gas) Old Price New Price Price Change 

20 lbs. Cylinder $49.00 $49.00 No Change

100 lbs. Cylinder $259.15 $257.90 $1.25 decrease

Bulk $2.45/lb. $2.45 No Change


  • Effective January 18, 2023, a petrol tax of $3.50 is charged per imperial gallon of gasoline and diesel.
  • Effective January 18, 2023, the price cap of $15.00 on petroleum products has expired.
  • The Ministry of Finance continues to monitor petroleum product prices and will intervene as necessary if prices exceed $17.00.
  • Petroleum Product Prices of Gasoline, Diesel, and Kerosene within the Tri-Island State of

Grenada are now fully harmonized in line with statements made by the Minister of Finance in  the 2023 Budget Speech.

  • The new retail prices are computed based on the average of the actual cost, freight, and  insurance rates for Gasoline, Diesel, and Kerosene however, for LPG, the mean Caribbean  postings (Platts) for cost was used over the period June 5, 2023, to July 3, 2023.
  • Petroleum products are price-controlled goods; therefore, no retailer shall vary the stated prices.


Consumers are strongly encouraged to immediately notify the Price Control/Consumer  

Affairs Unit in the Ministry of Legal Affairs of any instance of overpricing at telephone number: 440-1369

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