Prayer Session For The Commencement Of Hilary Term


The nation’s educators and stakeholders this morning were engaged in a virtual ceremony, asking God’s blessings as exit students and teachers phased in the new school term.

Today marked the beginning of Hilary Term which was delayed due to the recent spike in COVID-19 cases.

After consultation by the Ministry of Education and stakeholders, a decision was made to resume face to face instruction for all exit grades today, while other form levels remain at home for online instruction.

Chairman of the Conference of Churches, Grenada, Reverend Sylbert Prescod, in the virtual prayer engagement at the opening school for exit grades this morning.

Education Minister, Emmalin Pierre, calls on students and teachers to remain focused, during what she calls an unprecedented era.

Focusing on the theme of the occasion, Permanent Secretary with responsibility for Religious Affairs, Norman Gilbert, sees the hour of prayer as critical for the growth of the nation’s students, as they cope with the pandemic.



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