Preliminary results of the May/June 2021 Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC) Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate  Examinations (CSEC) were received on Oct. 12, 2021, in Grenada, with students’ performance in  all of the Pure Sciences remaining above regional performance levels.

A total of 2,606 candidates were registered to write CXC (CSEC) examinations, of which one  thousand, seven hundred (1,700) were females and nine hundred and six (906) were males.  Two thousand, four hundred and seventeen (2,417) were candidates attending school, while one hundred and eighty-nine (189) were private candidates.

There were 13,791 subject entries in thirty-two (32) subject areas. Twenty-four (24) secondary schools and twenty-four (24) private centres participated in the examination. The largest entries were in Mathematics (1,839), English A (1,746), Social Studies (796), Principles of Business  (770) and Information Technology (567). 

The lowest entries were in Industrial Technology – Mechanical (14), Theatre Arts (27),  Additional Mathematics (41), and Religious Education (49). 

Table 1: Number of Passes at Each Grade Level 

1,921 3,583 3,777 2,585 1064 15 572


Overall, there were 1,921 Grade ones3,583 Grade twos3,777 Grade threes2,585 Grade  fours1,064 Grade fives15 Grade sixes and 572 ungraded or absent.

The percentage pass rate (Grades I to III) in the examination was 71.7%, a decline of 5.6% compared to 77.3% in 2020. In 2019 the pass rate was 74.54%. 

The subjects with the highest percentage pass were Theatre Arts (100%), Industrial Technology  Mechanical (100%), Physical Education and Sport (98.57%), Industrial Technology – Building (97.8%), Visual Arts (95.97%), Industrial Technology – Electrical (94.35%), Textiles, Clothing  & Fashion (92.96%), Information Technology (92.87%), Food, Nutrition and Health (92.11%), and Technical Drawing (91.99%). 

The subjects with the lowest percentage pass were Mathematics (34.98%), Religious  Education (43.75%), French (50.66%), English B (51.07%) and Spanish (53.13%). 

Performance in Mathematics declined by 8.58%, from 43.56% in 2020 to 34.98% in 2021. The  percentage pass was 38.59% in 2019. Performance in English A declined by 10.94% from  82.65% in 2020 to 71.71% in 2021The percentage pass rate in 2019 was 78.28%. 

There were eight (8) schools recording percentage pass rates of 80% or more.

Table 2: Comparison of Percentage Pass Rate in Mathematics and English A 

Subjects 2019 2020 2021
Grenada Region Grenada Region Grenada Region
% Pass  % Pass  % Pass
Mathematics  38.59  46  43.56  52  34.98  40.57
English A  78.28  72  82.65  82  71.71  73.39


The performance of students in both English A and Mathematics are below the regional performance levels.

One student received acceptable grades (I to III) in seventeen (17) subjects, with 17 grade ones.  2

Two students obtained 16 grade ones, two students achieved 14 grade ones, one student obtained 13 grade ones, three students obtained 12 grade ones, four students attained 11 grade ones and  seven students attained 10 grade ones in the examination.

Performances in two of the pure sciences increased marginally in 2021. Performance in  Chemistry and Biology increased by 5.89% and 5.29%, respectively. Physics decreased by  14.63%. Table 3 shows a comparison of the percentage pass rate in these areas for 2019, 2020 and 2021, against the region’s performance.  

Table 3: Comparison of Percentage Pass Rate in the Pure Sciences in 2018, 2019 and 2020 

Subject 2019 2020 2021
Grenada Region Grenada Region Grenada Region
Entries % Pass Entries % Pass Entries % Pass
Chemistry 241 68.62  68  285 64.65  62  305 70.54  61.68
Physics 232 78.32  68  299 84.01  75  272 69.38  66.38
Biology 314 85.49  73  337 83.54  79  372 88.83  74.07


Grenada’s performance continues to be better than the regional performance in all of the Pure Sciences.

NB: The Ministry of Education, Human Resource Development, Religious Affairs and  Information has not yet received the preliminary slips for individual candidates from the  Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC). Therefore, candidates will have to collect individual slips in the next week or two, when they are received from the Council. Candidates can continue to access their results electronically via the CXC Student Portal.  

Additionally, please note that these results are preliminary and that CXC reserves the right to correct the information, which will be confirmed on the final certificate.


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