Prime Minister Mitchell gives the new-age communications platforms like Zoom and other suchlike technologies a high rating, especially in these times of the COVID-19 crisis.

He was this morning making reference in Parliament about last night’s virtual meeting which he held with the Grenadian diaspora, via the popular Zoom platform.

It’s the first of its kind in this technological manner for the Prime Minister, touching base with Grenadian Nationals abroad, which received a tremendous response.

He says crisis situations usually bring about unique opportunities.

According to him, the utilization of the modern-day communications technology has presented itself forcefully in this regard, and, is proving to be worthwhile, with COVID-19 hindering the travel industry with tumultuous problems.

The Grenadian leader, who heads the CARICOM quasi committee responsible for Science and Technology, says the virtual technological platforms are playing their part in making governance more efficient.

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