The main health facility in Carriacou, the Princess Royal
Hospital, is said to be undergoing a major upgrade as part of the
Pan American Health Organization
(PAHO)-funded 1.5 Million US-dollar Smart Hospital Project for
the island.

The project involves the installation of smart electrical appliances,
new windows and doors, fire alarm and detection system,
disability access, lockers, heating, ventilation and air conditioning
system and roofing, all which will make the facility disaster ready
and water efficient.

In the hospital upgrade, we hear that it will be outfitted with a new
X-ray Machine which, according to reports, is already in storage
and engaging a potential operator.

Reports have it that as of January 2021, Princess Royal Hospital
will be able to perform X-rays, which is seen as a step in the right
direction in beefing up the health care system on the Sister Isle.
The Smart Hospital Project is expected to be completed by
December 2020 offering a modernized health facility to residents
of Carriacou and Petite Martinique.

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