Prisoner In Police Custody Test Positive On COVID-19 Rapid Test


Based on information circulating on social media, the RGPF is confirming that a man who was in custody at the Central Police Station, over the Thanksgiving Holiday weekend, tested positive on a Rapid Test for Covid-19.

The individual was detained by the police on Sunday October 25, 2020.  He was later charged and taken to court on Tuesday October 27, 2020, and was remanded to HMP.

However, following established protocols for Covid-19, the individual was Rapid Tested for the virus, and this initial test was positive.  Consequently, a PCR test was administered, and we await the result.

He was taken to a government run quarantine facility where he is guarded by the RGPF on a 24 hour basis.

As a result of this development, police officers who came in contact with the individual are now being monitored.

There is no need for panic since the officers who were in contact with the individual have followed the protocols for Covid-19.


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