Whereas in the opinion of the Minister there is the imminent threat of the community spread of Covid-19 as a result of the numerous cases present in countries neighbouring Grenada;

And whereas it is necessary to prevent the spread of Covid-19 from persons arriving at any port by land or water;

Now therefore the Minister in exercise of the powers conferred on him by section 4 of the Quarantine Act, Chapter 271 hereby makes the following Regulations–

(Gazetted 16th September, 2020).

  1. Citation. These Regulations may be cited as the  QUARANTINE (COVID-19) REGULATIONS, 2020.
  1. Definitions. In these Regulations–

“business day” excludes Saturdays, Sundays and bank holidays;

“CARICOM Bubble State” means a CARICOM State classified under  Schedule I;

“COVID-19” means the Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCov), which is an  infectious disease caused by a virus which, having emerged during 2019,  was declared a global pandemic by the World Health Organisation on the  11th March, 2020;

“geofencing watch” means a device which uses GPS technology to trigger  a pre-programmed action when the person wearing the device enters  or exits a virtual boundary set up around a geographical location, as  approved by the Minister of Health;

“government-approved place of observation and isolation” includes a hotel  approved by the Ministry of Health;

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“Health Officer” means the appropriate officer appointed as such under  section 3 of the Act;

“high-risk State” means a State that has reported not less than sixty (60)  COVID-19 cases per one hundred thousand (100,000) people of its  population within the last 14 calendar days;

“isolation” means the removal to a hospital or other suitable place approved  by a Health Officer of a person suffering, or suspected to be suffering,  from COVID-19, and his or her detention therein, until, in the opinion of  a Health Officer he or she is free from infection;

“low-risk State” means a State that has reported less than twenty (20)  COVID-19 cases per one hundred thousand (100,000) of its population  within the last 14 calendar days;

“medium-risk State” means a State that has reported not less than twenty  (20) but less than sixty (60) COVID-19 cases per one hundred thousand  (100,000) of its population within the last 14 calendar days;

“observation” means the detention under medical supervision of persons in  such places and for such periods as may be directed by a Health Officer;

“prescribed period” means a period prescribed under regulation 10;

“prescribed test” means a test conducted to diagnose whether a person is  infected with SARS-CoV-2 or COVID-19 as prescribed under regulation  10;

“SARS-CoV-2” means severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2;

“State of origin” means the State, country or territory in which a person has  entered within the last 21 calendar days, including having been only  in transit, whether or not the person had subsequently entered another  State, country or territory.

  1. Application.—(1) Regulations 6 (1), 7 (1) and 8 (1) shall not apply to children  two years and under.

(2) Regulations 7 (3) and 8 (3) shall not apply to children six years and under.

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  1. Application of Quarantine (Air) Regulations and Quarantine (Maritime)  Regulations. For the avoidance of doubt, the Quarantine (Air) Regulations and the  Quarantine (Maritime) Regulations shall apply to the extent that those regulations do  not conflict with these Regulations.
  2. Forms to be completed.—(1) No person shall be admitted into Grenada unless  he or she discloses every State of origin and completes and executes the following  forms upon his or her arrival–

(a) a health declaration form as set out under Schedule II;

(b) a waiver of liability agreement form as set out under Schedule III; and (c) a public health locator form as set out under Schedule IV.

(2) For the purposes of subregulation (1), if any person makes any false  statement or withholds any material information, he or she shall be guilty of an offence  against these Regulations.

  1. Procedure for low-risk States of origin.—(1) Where a person has only low-risk  States as States of origin he or she shall not be admitted into Grenada, unless–

(a) he or she has subjected himself or herself to a prescribed test within the  prescribed period before arriving in Grenada; and

(b) the result of the test is negative.

(2) The requirements under subregulation (1) do not apply to persons who  have only CARICOM Bubble States as States of origin

  1. Procedure for medium-risk States of origin.—(1) Where a person has as a  State of origin a medium-risk State but no high-risk States, he or she shall not be  admitted into Grenada, unless–

(a) he or she has subjected himself or herself to a prescribed test within the  prescribed period before arriving in Grenada;

(b) the result of the test is negative; and

(c) he or she undertakes to–

(i) install on his or her mobile device the Government of Grenada  contact-tracing application;

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(ii) subject himself or herself to mandatory observation and isolation  for a minimum prescribed period; and

(iii) remain in a government-approved place of observation and  isolation for a prescribed period being a portion of the period of  mandatory observation and isolation under subparagraph (ii).

(2) Upon the expiration of the prescribed period under subregulation (1) (c)  (iii), a person referred to in subregulation (1) may be released from the government approved place of observation and isolation to–

(a) a government-approved place of residence at his or her expense  that is suitable for adequate accommodation and separation from  other persons; or

(b) subject to subregulation (3), self-isolation at his or her place  of residence if it is suitable for adequate accommodation and  separation from other persons, or at a government-approved hotel  at his or her expense,

where he or she shall remain for the remainder of the period of mandatory observation  and isolation under subregulation (1) (c) (ii).

(3) A person shall not be permitted to self-isolate for the purposes of  subregulation (2) (b) unless he or she undertakes to–

(a) wear on his or her person a geofencing watch during the period of  self-isolation; and

(b) bear the cost of the geofencing watch of twenty-five dollars per  person per day.

(4) A person shall not be released from observation and isolation or self isolation as the case may be, unless he or she first subjects himself or herself to a  prescribed test.

(5) Where the result of a test under subregulation (4) is negative, the person  shall be released from observation and isolation or self-isolation as the case may be,  and permitted to integrate with the public in accordance with the enactments and  protocols of general application within Grenada.

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(6) Where the result of a test under subregulation (4) is positive, the person  shall–

(a) remain in a government-approved place of observation and  isolation for a minimum prescribed period at his or her expense;  and

(b) subject himself or herself to a prescribed test at his or her expense.

(7) Where the result of a test under subregulation (6) (b) is negative, the  person shall be released from observation and isolation and permitted to integrate  with the public in accordance with the enactments and protocols of general application  within Grenada.

(8) Where the result of a test under subregulation (6) (b) is positive, until a  Health Officer determines that the person is free from infection with SARS-CoV-2 or  COVID-19–

(a) the person shall submit himself or herself to a place of observation  and isolation at his or her expense; and

(b) a new prescribed test shall be conducted at the person’s expense at  least once in every period of seven calendar days.

(9) Upon a determination by a Health Officer under subregulation (8), the  person shall be released from observation and isolation and permitted to integrate  with the public in accordance with the enactments and protocols of general application  within Grenada.

  1. Procedure for high-risk States of origin.—(1) Where a person has a high-risk  State as a State of origin, he or she shall not be admitted into Grenada, unless–

(a) he or she has subjected himself or herself to a prescribed test within the  prescribed period before arriving in Grenada;

(b) the result of the test is negative; and

(c) he or she undertakes to–

(i) install on his or her mobile device the Government of Grenada  contact-tracing application;

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(ii) subject himself or herself to mandatory observation and isolation  for a minimum prescribed period; and

(iii) remain in a government-approved place of observation and  isolation for a prescribed period being a portion of the period of  mandatory observation and isolation under subparagraph (ii).

(2) Upon the expiration of the prescribed period under subregulation (1) (c)  (iii), a person referred to in subregulation (1) may be released from the government approved place of observation and isolation to–

(a) a government-approved place of residence at his or her expense  that is suitable for adequate accommodation and separation from  other persons; or

(b) subject to subregulation (3), self-isolation at his or her place  of residence, if it is suitable for adequate accommodation and  separation from other persons, or at a government-approved hotel  at his or her expense,

where he or she shall remain for the remainder of the period of mandatory observation  and isolation under subregulation (1) (c) (ii).

(3) A person shall not be permitted to self-isolate for the purposes of  subregulation (2) (b) unless he or she undertakes to–

(a) wear on his or her person a geofencing watch during the period of  self-isolation; and

(b) bear the cost of the geofencing watch of twenty-five dollars per  person per day.

(4) A person shall not be released from observation and isolation or self isolation as the case may be, unless he or she first subjects himself or herself to a  prescribed test.

(5) Where the result of a test under subregulation (4) is negative, the person  shall be released from observation and isolation or self-isolation as the case may be,  and permitted to integrate with the public in accordance with the enactments and  protocols of general application within Grenada.

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(6) Where the result of a test under subregulation (4) is positive, the person  shall–

(a) submit himself or herself to a government-approved place of  observation and isolation for a minimum prescribed period at his  or her expense; and

(b) subject himself or herself to a prescribed test at his or her expense.

(7) Where the result of a test under subregulation (6) (b) is negative, the  person shall be released from observation and isolation and permitted to integrate  with the public in accordance with the enactments and protocols of general application  within Grenada.

(8) Where the result of a test under subregulation (6) (b) is positive, until a  Health Officer determines that the person is free from infection with SARS-CoV-2 or  COVID-19–

(a) the person shall submit himself or herself to a place of observation  and isolation at his or her expense; and

(b) a new prescribed test shall be conducted at the person’s expense at  least once in every period of seven calendar days.

(9) Upon a determination by a Health Officer under subregulation (8), the  person shall be released from observation and isolation and permitted to integrate  with the public in accordance with the enactments and protocols of general application  within Grenada.

  1. Offences.—(1) A person who contravenes or fails to comply with these  Regulations shall be guilty of an offence against these Regulations.

(2) A person who is guilty of an offence under subsection (1) shall be liable,  on summary conviction, to a fine not exceeding ten thousand dollars.

  1. Power to prescribe tests and periods under these Regulations. The Minister  may, by Order published in the Gazette, prescribe the tests and time periods to be  prescribed under these Regulations and such an Order shall have force and effect  without confirmation by resolution of the House of Representatives.

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  1. Power to amend the Schedules. The Minister may, by Order published in the  Gazette, amend any schedule to these Regulations and such an Order shall have force  and effect without confirmation by resolution of the House of Representatives.



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Made by the Minister this 4th day of September, 2020.


Minister with responsibility for Health. Approved by the House of Representatives this 11th day of September, 2020.

ANDREW AUGUSTINE Clerk to the House of Representatives (Ag.). 



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