Representatives of some 7 CDEMA participating States involved in methodology training being provided to senior economic planning and sectoral officials.

The five-day exercise in Barbados, dealing with Post-Disaster Needs Assessment, is due to end tomorrow.

It’s geared at building resilience among the Participating States to maximize and accelerate effective response and recovery.

The initiative is also to develop professionals with the capacity to support the assessment of damage and loss and sectoral recovery needs in the wake of a disaster.

This is on account of the climate change factor which has increased the frequency and intensity of natural disasters, making vulnerable groups such as low-income communities and coastal populations more susceptible to impacts of devastation.

It comes on the basis of rising sea levels and stronger hurricanes which threaten the livelihoods and safety of island nations that heavily rely on tourism and fishing industries.

Among countries participating in the CDEMA-organized exercise are Antigua/Barbuda, Belize, Dominica, Jamaica, Saint Lucia and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.

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