RGPF Continues Education On Avoiding Conflicts


The Royal Grenada Police Force (RGPF) is continuing its education binge sensitizing the public on avoiding conflicts in its quest of playing its part solving crime in Grenada.

Members of the RGPF were this morning in public engagement with host Mikey Hutchinson during Weefmโ€™s mid-morning programme.

One of the officers attached to the Community Relations Department (CRD) of the RGPF says violence is not the answer and urges all to walk away from crime and violence.ย ย ย 

Officer Ardell Lewis attached to the CRD of the RGPF.

Supporting the call for citizens to walk away from crime, Sherwin Noel whoโ€™s also attached to the CRD says citizens should be more skilled at de-escalating conflicts.


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