Sandals Foundation Collaborates With Beausejour Community On World Oceans Day


Sandals Foundation Ambassadors in Grenada marked this World Oceans Day, June 8 2022 by taking collective action for the ocean, together with the Beausejour community, hosting a beach and mangrove clean- up and educational outreach. Prior to the clean- up, educational outreach was conducted at the Uganda Martyrs School (Happy Hill RC), and Mt. Moritz Anglican School by conservationists Zoya Buckmire and Tyrone Buckmire of the Grenada Fund for Conservation.

Community members, Sandals Resort volunteers and student volunteers joined forces removing over 300 pounds of plastic and other waste from the coastal area.  They logged the composition of waste collected to deepen the understanding of the pervasive presence of every item becoming solid waste.     This exercise noted single-use plastic bottles and food containers, accounting for the majority, and the latter being snack wrappers, fishing lines, fishing nets and other items.

Samuel Paul, President of the Beausejour Community Development Organization (BCDO) believes it was a fruitful and enlightening initiative, “BCDO collaborated with the amazing team from Sandals Foundation, primary schools in the vicinity and community members to observe World Oceans Day. Together we gathered a significant amount of refuse from the mangrove and the black sand beach which would otherwise have ended up in the ocean. BCDO and the community members of Beausejour extend a heartfelt thank you to Sandals Foundation for your interest in protecting our environment, your love for people and your community spirit. Our ocean- our world is a little better for our efforts. We will continue the charge to advocate within our fishing community and the broader community for more responsible waste disposal and care for our natural environment that we depend on for our livelihoods and enjoyment.”


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