Scotia Bank Opens Its Doors For Business But Workers In Mild Ribbon Protest


Operations were somewhat back to normal at Scotia Bank today, after it snubbed the public last Friday.

The financial institution opened its doors for business but it remains unclear whether the issue that forced the workers on a sick-out industrial action last Friday has been resolved.

It was the major reason for the bank closing its doors.

This morning in downtown St. George the workers were on the job at Scotia Bank wearing red ribbons, showing a sign of mild protest.

Officials are still tight-lipped and details and weโ€™ve been finding it difficult obtain details.

The issue reportedly stems from Republic Financial Holdingsโ€™ buyout of Scotia Bank and disagreement concerning workers rolling over into the new operations.

The Union representing the workers is arguing for severance money for those who do not want to be transferred to the new operations.

We reported last week that there were several meetings in this regard to thrash out the issue, which resulted in the sick-out.

We are continuing to contact officials of the Bank for commentโ€ฆthat has since been proven futile.


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