The Praedial Larceny Unit of the Royal Grenada Police Force (RGPF) has made a breakthrough in the theft of a sizeable amount of Soursop from one farmer in St. Patrick.

Fifteen hundred (1500) pounds of Soursop, valued at $7,500 were stolen between Friday 10th and Saturday 11th July 2020, for which evidence made available through the use of a special security device, led to the arrest and charge of four individuals for Praedial Larceny and Vagrancy.

Given that Soursop is one of the crops most targeted for Praedial Larceny, and noting its importance for the export market, the recent amendment to the Praedial Larceny Amendment Act allows for a licensing regime to be set up, which would make it mandatory for persons to obtain a license from the Minister of Agriculture, to be able to facilitate the trade or business of buying, selling, exporting or conveying of produce weighing fifteen pounds or more.

The recent passage of the Amendment Act will allow for continued success in managing the crime.

The general public is reminded that praedial larceny is a crime and is advised to call the nearest Police Station or hotline 300/435-0300 to report any instances of the offence.

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