Opposition Senator Terry Noel says he’ll issue a statement tomorrow concerning his resignation from the Senate.




Eleven days shy of one-year since receiving his Senatorial instrument of appointment from the Governor General, Noel decides to call it quits.


He was one of two Senators at the time receiving appointments to the Senate, the other person being Tessa St. Cyr.


Both were selected by Opposition Leader, Tobias Clement.


We understand that Terry Noel dropped in a letter of his resignation to the Office of the Clerk of Parliament yesterday.


It’s expected that in his statement tomorrow, Noel will outline his reasons for his exit from the Senate.


However, Wee FM News understands he had spoken to the Leader of the Opposition, concerning his move, expressing willingness to join the camp of the Grenada Movement (TGM).

With the next Senate meeting schedule for May 27, it may well mean that the Opposition Leader would have to select someone to fill the void. 


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