St. Mary’s Junior School Student Wins Grenada Solid Waste Management Authority’s Art Competition


The Grenada Solid Waste Management Authority (GSWMA) is celebrating its 25th anniversary, in the business of taking care of the environment here.

And, in observance of the silver jubilee occasion, it has staged two competitions, giving the Nation\s primary and secondary school students the impetus to see the importance of taking care of the environment.

Primary school students were invited to participate in an art competition, while secondary school students took part in an essay competition.

Assistant Public Relations Officer at the GSWMA Nickoli Boyke, is hoping that through the competitions, and, in his words, “students will foster a greater appreciation for the environment”.

Nickoli says the competitions were conducted to the highest standard…the art designs, as well as the essays were carefully scrutinized. 

Assistant Public Relations Officer at the GSWMA Nickoli Boyke.

The GSWMA extends congratulations to the winners of both competitions.

Accompanied by their parents, they were awarded their prizes at a brief ceremony at the Agency’s headquarters recently.


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