State Funeral For Former Governor General, Sir Carlyle Glean


Preparation for the funeral of former Governor-General, Sir Carlyle Glean, is into its final stages.

Sir Carlyle Glean will be afforded a State Funeral, scheduled for 1 in the afternoon tomorrow at the St. Peterโ€™s Catholic Church in Gouyave, St. John.

The proceeding will include official tributes by the Governor-General, Her Excellency, Dame Cecile La Grenade, and Prime Minister, Dr. the Rt. Hon. Keith Mitchell.

Today, the body of Sir Carlyle was laid in state at the Parliament Building, Mt. Wheldale, where the public was invited to pay their last respects, until 4 this afternoon.

Hundreds of curious persons filed past the coffin of Sir Carlyle.

Condolence books were placed at the Parliament Building and will also be at the Church for persons wishing to share their sympathy messages with the family.

Prime Minister, Dr. the Rt. Hon. Keith Mitchell, was one of many who filed past the body of Sir Carlyle this morning, paying his respects to the former Governor-General.

Dr. the Rt. Hon. Keith Mitchell, Prime Minister of Grenada, as he spoke there with Troy Garvey, paying tribute to the late Sir Carlyle Glean, former Governor-General of Grenada.


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