This morning, the Caribbean region and world awoke to reports of the assassination of the Haitian President, Jovenel Moise, and the injuries sustained by his wife, First Lady Martine.
The Government and people of Grenada are indeed shocked by this act of violence perpetrated against a head of state, and we express our sincere condolences to his family and loved ones.
For us in Grenada, we are well aware of the significant impact on a country, when it loses its leader to violence, and we empathise with all concerned.
It is our fervent hope that Haiti will soon experience a return to peace and stability.
As a member of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), a grouping to which Haiti also belongs, Grenada will continue to engage with our Caribbean neighbours, to do whatever we can in bringing resolution to the issues that confront our brothers and sisters in Haiti.
We continue to hope that democracy and peace will prevail and that Haitians can embark on a period of healing and reconciliation.
May God bless the people of Haiti as they confront this very challenging moment in the nation’s history.

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