Statement By The Prime Minister On The Occasion Of Ramadan


On behalf of the Government and People of our beautiful nation, Iย  extend best wishes to members of the Muslim community in Grenada, and around theย  world, in welcoming the blessed month of Ramadan.

Ramadan is the month in which Muslims believe the Quran was revealed to Prophetย  Muhammad by the angel Gabriel. It is therefore a time when Muslims reflect upon theย  responsibility that human beings have to one another, and to God Almighty.

Although Ramadan is a time when families gather, friends host iftars (breaking of fast),ย  and meals are shared; Ramadan is also a time of intense devotion and reflection โ€“ a timeย  when Muslims fast during the day and perform prayers at night, reciting and listening toย  the entire Quran over the course of the month.

This reminds us of principles that we hold in common. Fasting, for example, is a conceptย  shared by many faiths, including our own Christian faith.

Ramadan is a time to bring people closer to God Almighty, a time to take account of whereย  our life is headed, and to adjust; accordingly, and a time to be able to relate to thoseย  among us who are hungry, because we feel it too.

We wish our Muslim brothers and sisters a blessed and peaceful Ramadan. Ramadanย  Mubarak. May Godโ€™s peace be upon you.


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