I hereby confirm that yesterday, Monday May 17th, 2021, I resigned as a Senator for the Opposition in the Upper House of Parliament, with immediate effect.
This decision did not come lightly, but it came at a time when a Non-Governmental Organisation of which I have been an active member, and to which I belonged at the time when I accepted the invitation to serve in our Upper House of Parliament, has made the decision to transition into a political party. In keeping with our democratic traditions, I, therefore, resigned, in order to give the Leader of the Opposition a chance to nominate another Senator.
I wish to place on record, my appreciation to the Governor-General, Her Excellency, Dame Cecille La Grenade, and the Honourable Tobias Clement, Leader of the Opposition, for the confidence reposed in me to serve as one of the three senators who were tasked with bringing balance to the honourable chamber.
I would also like to state for the record that it was an honour to serve with all my senatorial colleagues.
We are now at a crucial stage in the political life of our nation, and my sense of patriotism demands, even more so than ever before, that I continue to serve my country and to actively participate in its social and political evolution. My time in the Senate, since July 31st, 2020, afforded me the opportunity to contribute to the process of governance in our country, and better yet, imbued me with an appreciation for the task ahead to restore Grenada to her rightful place in the Caribbean and the world.
We are at a crossroads in our path towards development. We cannot continue along the pathway of empty promises, hollow excuses and glaring stagnation. I want to make a difference. We all need to make a difference. As such, I am proud to endorse The Grenada Movement, to chart a new course in governance and democracy for Grenada.
TGM represents in my mind, the best option for moving our nation and our people forward. The people of Grenada are not happy. They are tired of the blatant disrespect they are receiving from those who are supposed to work for them. They are tired of being talked down to. They are tired of the bullying. We all know that it is time to change our destiny, and that is why I am supporting TGM as a political party.
I wish to contribute even more to Grenada with TGM, because, together with all Grenadians, we will build a country that is for all, where opportunities are not for a privileged few, but for all who are willing to work and develop Grenada, Carriacou and Petit Martinique.
I thank you for your attention today, and I will be happy to answer your questions.