Thirty-five new COVID-19 Cases Recorded In Grenada
St. George: August 25, 2021:
Grenada’s COVID-19 case count increased by 35 as of 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, as the Ministry of Health continued its aggressive contact tracing and testing efforts in the wake of clusters being identified among residents.
The new cases bring to 265, the total number of cases recorded in Grenada since the start of the pandemic in March 2020.
All but one of the new cases are among persons with no recent travel history.
Acting Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Shawn Charles explained that the rapid rise in case numbers is not unexpected as scientific data shows that cases will start off small, explode, and then decrease.
Dr. Charles said now, more than ever, it is important for the population to continue following the recommended protocols.
He said, “Although the numbers are rising, we still have an opportunity to manage the number of additional cases we record, but we can only do that if persons are responsible and follow the recommended protocols.
Wear your mask or appropriate face covering in public spaces, avoid mass gatherings and wash or sanitise hands frequently.
Vaccination is also available as a method of protection and I encourage persons to utilise one of the two options we have here in Grenada.
The magnitude of the pandemic has left many health care systems overwhelmed, we do not want to arrive at that point in Grenada, but our actions will determine whether or not that happens.”
Health officials are still sifting through the data relating to the cases, but there is confirmation of at least one case in the Ministerial Complex.
There is also confirmation of a positive case in the agriculture sector and the Ministry of Agriculture has since closed propagation stations in St. Andrew and St. David.
Health officials are continuing the herculean task of tracing contacts and testing scores of individuals who have been in close proximity with confirmed cases.


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