Grenada today joined the rest of the world, in observance of World Water Day, which focuses attention on the importance of water.

This year’s theme “Groundwater” draws attention to the hidden water resource that has always been critically important, but not fully recognized in sustainable development policymaking.

Under the title “Groundwater Making the Invisible Visible”, this year’s observance seeks to explain groundwater’s vital role in the water and sanitation systems, agriculture, industry, ecosystems and climate change adaptation.

It is against this background that the National Water and Sewage Authority (NAWASA) makes it its duty to ensure that their customers receive clean water.

NAWASA‘s equipment and maintenance supervisor Glen Alexander speaking on “The NEXT Chapter”, a weekly program put on by the ministry of health, spoke of the process whereby NAWASA monitors the water table to ensure there’s always an adequate supply of the precious commodity.   

Alexander says the installation and functioning of the pumps used in the collection of water is a very important task to perform. 

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