UNC Leader Tells Supporters She’s Committed To Returning To The Opposition Bench


POLITICAL LEADER OF THE United National Congress, Kamla Persad-Bissessar, though not yet officially conceding commits herself to returning to the Opposition Bench.

The UNC lost the election by 3 seats 19-22 to the Peopleโ€™s National Movement.

Kamla, who won the Siparia seat in the South of the country, noted that the partyโ€™s supporters may be feeling disillusioned and dejected but all is not lost.

She stated that the election results gave them one more seat and show tremendous overall gains throughout.

She went on to state that the battle was so close that the Party is not officially conceding until it gets the results of the recounts it has demanded in three key marginal constituencies.

Kamla Bissessar termed the polls in these times of the COVID-pandemic as โ€œunprecedentedโ€.


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