PR – The National Water and Sewerage Authority (NAWASA) wishes to advise the following consumers of the valve regulation schedule being implemented for the Petite Etang Water System effective Monday April 19th, 2021.

Please be advised that the information provided is based SOLEY on the current water levels and is expected to change without prior notice depending on the availability of supply. In addition, affected consumers may receive low pressure residual supply on off days during the regulation period.

Daily, NAWASA continues to monitor all water systems and their capacity to meet demands and will keep affected consumers fully aware of their supply sta tus as information becomes available.

NAWASA is committed to meeting the needs of every consumer; however,  individuals are also reminded of their personal responsibility to ensure they collect and store a minimum of 35 gallons of water, per person, per day for a  three-day period, taking into consideration the needs of their households and pets.

The current projections for the remainder of the dry season will certainly bring additional stress for all water systems, and others may be added to the list without prior notice given.

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