Woman Charged With Causing Harm To A Minor


keasher Roberts, 31 years old, Secretary of Mt. Gay, George, was arrested and charged with the offence of Causing Harm, following a recent incident on a school
compound, involving a student.

Miss Roberts was placed on bail in the sum of four thousand dollars ($4,000.00) with one (1) surety.

She will appear at St. Georges Magistrate Court on Friday 24th February 2023.

In light of the recent incidences of violence and other unacceptable conduct in schools, by parents, teachers, and students, the Royal Grenada Police Force appeals to the public to exercise calm and good judgment when dealing with conflicts. We also remind the public that going onto school compounds for the purpose of confronting another person can amount to criminal offences, and such behavior will be treated with utmost seriousness.


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