Young persons are being offered a CVQ Level 2 training opportunity expected to beef-up nutmeg crop production, in what is today a more modernized setting.

It’s the brainchild of the Grenada Cooperative Nutmeg Association, in association with the St. Andrew Development Organization and the T.A. Marryshow Community College.

The initiative is for the creation of a new breed of nutmeg farmers to meet the new demands relative to a business approach, where record-keeping, propagation, being climate smart and food safety conscious are the heightened pre-requisites in the agri-business environment.

The training is to run for a duration of nine months, and according to Roderick St. Clair, Manager of the GCNA, the main aim is to give trainees hands-on knowledge.

St. Clair says in the area of agricultural crop  production emphasis must be placed on the important aspect of smart planning.

Manager of the Grenada Cooperative Nutmeg Association, Roderick St. Clair.

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